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/ MacWorld 1998 May / Macworld (1998-05).dmg / Games World / Game Updaters / Mars Rising 1.0.1 Update / drag contents to Mars folder / Mars Rising / Mars Rising.rsrc

Jump To: Image (112)  |  Document (3)  |  Text (42)  |  Other (30)

Images (112)

Document (3)
NameFormat# PagesSizeDate
styl_900_-Main dialog text.rtf Rich Text Format 1 1KB 1998-03-12
styl_901_-30 days.rtf Rich Text Format 1 248b 1998-03-12
styl_902_-Startup text.rtf Rich Text Format 1 919b 1998-03-12

Text (42)
NameFormat# LinesSizeDate
ALRT.txt Text File 253 5KB 1998-03-12
BNDL.txt Text File 48 837b 1998-03-12
CNTL.txt Text File 71 1KB 1998-03-12
Cydo_0_Owner resource Text File 1 23b 1998-03-12
DITL.txt Text File 637 15KB 1998-03-12
DLOG.txt Text File 131 2KB 1998-03-12
FREF.txt Text File 31 420b 1998-03-12
MBAR_128_Interface MBAR.txt Text File 5 109b 1998-03-12
MBAR_129_Editor MBAR.txt Text File 6 128b 1998-03-12
MENU.txt Text File 430 8KB 1998-03-12
SIZE_-1.txt Text File 16 448b 1998-03-12
STR_-16397_Finder Message.txt Text File 1 208b 1998-03-12
STR_132_Application balloon.txt Text File 3 85b 1998-03-12
STR#_128.txt Text File 43 3KB 1998-03-12
STR#_129.txt Text File 9 75b 1998-03-12
STR#_130.txt Text File 257 808b 1998-03-12
STR#_131.txt Text File 13 73b 1998-03-12
STR#_132.txt Text File 13 969b 1998-03-12
STR#_133.txt Text File 25 2KB 1998-03-12
STR#_135.txt Text File 51 3KB 1998-03-12
STR#_136.txt Text File 3 25b 1998-03-12
STR#_2000.txt Text File 55 3KB 1998-03-12
STR#_2001.txt Text File 11 478b 1998-03-12
STR#_2002.txt Text File 21 1KB 1998-03-12
STR#_2003.txt Text File 13 671b 1998-03-12
STR#_2004.txt Text File 3 135b 1998-03-12
STR#_2005.txt Text File 9 323b 1998-03-12
STR#_2006.txt Text File 61 4KB 1998-03-12
STR#_2007.txt Text File 35 2KB 1998-03-12
STR#_2008.txt Text File 13 12b 1998-03-12
STR#_2009.txt Text File 3 110b 1998-03-12
STR#_2010.txt Text File 5 253b 1998-03-12
STR#_2011.txt Text File 3 200b 1998-03-12
STR#_3000.txt Text File 4 167b 1998-03-12
STR#_900.txt Text File 9 47b 1998-03-12
STR#_901.txt Text File 11 389b 1998-03-12
STR#_990.txt Text File 13 86b 1998-03-12
TEXT_900_-Main dialog text.txt Text File 9 648b 1998-03-12
TEXT_901_-30 days.txt Text File 1 81b 1998-03-12
TEXT_902_-Startup text.txt Text File 7 433b 1998-03-12
vers_1.txt Text File 8 241b 1998-03-12
vers_2.txt Text File 8 228b 1998-03-12

Other Files (30)
RGBc_128 All Null Bytes 6b 1998-03-12
DARK_1002_Blend - Bright Tint Unknown 1KB 1998-03-12
DARK_128_System Shadow Unknown 1KB 1998-03-12
DARK_129_Orange LUT Unknown 1KB 1998-03-12
DARK_130_Pale Blue LUT Unknown 1KB 1998-03-12
IMAG_128_Billions and Billions Unknown 24KB 1998-03-12
IMAG_129_Flora Unknown 3KB 1998-03-12
IMAG_130_Winner, Winner! Unknown 83KB 1998-03-12
isap_0 Unknown 16b 1998-03-12
Rect_1000_Interface - 1Player Button Unknown 8b 1998-03-12
Rect_1001_Interface - 2Player Button Unknown 8b 1998-03-12
Rect_1002_Interface - Host Button Unknown 8b 1998-03-12
Rect_1003_Interface - Join Button Unknown 8b 1998-03-12
Rect_1004_Interface - Editor Button Unknown 8b 1998-03-12
Rect_1005_Interface - Register Button Unknown 8b 1998-03-12
Rect_1006_Interface - Controls Button Unknown 8b 1998-03-12
Rect_1007_Interface - Prefs Button Unknown 8b 1998-03-12
Rect_1008_Interface - Scores Button Unknown 8b 1998-03-12
Rect_1009_Interface - Credits Button Unknown 8b 1998-03-12
Rect_1010_Interface - Quit Button Unknown 8b 1998-03-12
SCOR_128_Factory Scores Unknown 332b 1998-03-12
setl_2558_A Set List Unknown 392b 1998-03-12
SPIN_1 Unknown 240b 1998-03-12
TRAN_1000_Blend - 50% System Unknown 66KB 1998-03-12
TRAN_1001_Blend - 50% System Unknown 66KB 1998-03-12
tset_12888_Player 2 Unknown 124b 1998-03-12
tset_14151_2 Players Unknown 56b 1998-03-12
tset_15445_1 Player Unknown 56b 1998-03-12
tset_18772_Player 1 Unknown 124b 1998-03-12
WDEx_128_Infinity Windoid 3.0 Unknown 6KB 1998-03-12